Pre-launch book jitters – overwhelming anxiety!
She’s very busy so I didn’t expect her to read it. Yesterday she dropped me an email saying that she read it – twice. That’s all she said. ‘I read it twice.” She didn't elaborate.
She’s an academic! Academics don’t read romance books two times unless they have an issue with it.
I’m paranoid. I’m filled with overwhelming anxiety. Pre-launch book jitters!
Did the book fail again?
My biggest problem in writing romances is to have the main characters fall in love with the right man or even fall in love all together. I’m so obsessed with this. I’m even watching - studying- Hallmark movies wondering what makes people truly fall in love.
What I am learning is that proximity is a key factor. Just being close allows the sparks to fly. Chemistry.
Then there is the the power of words. “I value you. I love you. I think you are special.” But words in and of themselves aren’t trustworthy.
What makes people fall romantically into true love? I am now convinced it's when they hold space for each other.
Holding space means sitting quietly with someone we care about and offering them our full attention. It’s about turning off our words and listening with an open heart to the truth of someone’s life – and loving it.
To do this in real life is hard – to convey this in a book is even harder.
I remember that Cliff really knew how to hold space. ... I miss him.
But the question remains - Why did she read the book twice? I phone, I email, I text! Like I said I’m paranoid. I’m filled with overwhelming anxiety. Pre-launch book jitters!
Finally reaching her – she said she read it twice because she "liked it."
I’m relieved – delighted….. till the next time.
I think fearless is having fears but jumping anyway. - Taylor Swift