2025 - 2
In church this morning, people were commenting on their surprise at finding a giant picture of me on the front-page of Saturday’s Winnipeg Free Press. I know - I’m ancient – and I look ancient.
But when I express my surprise as well – saying that I am hardly a breaking news journalism story. - one of them agrees, but then says…. ” But you do fit the criteria of a human-interest story which is also an important to Winnipeg."
She’s right,. Apparently a human-interest story presents people and their problems, concerns, or achievements in a way that brings about interest, sympathy or motivation in the reader or viewer. news
Actually, I am honored – but it does add pressure. Even though the story itself featured the Candace House – it does mention the fact that I am writing a book about forgiveness. It even gives a deadline – January 17, 2025.
Imagine the pressure – I have just publicly promised to write a book on “Impossible Forgiveness” – and have it completed by this Friday.
That takes care of all other plans I might have been entertaining for this week – and I wonder what shape - both I and the completed manuscript will look like – come Friday.
Deadlines refine the mind. They remove variables like exotic materials and processes that take too long. The closer the deadline, the more likely you'll start thinking way outside the box. – Adam Savage